Tapping Into Your Spiritual Gifts
Experience Life to the fullest!
  • What is your internal GPS saying?
  • What spiritual gifts were you given at birth?
  • Are you aware of the signs that are given to you daily?
  • Are you ready to have fun reconnecting with your spiritual gifts?
"When you live in union with your spiritual gifts you live a life full of love, appreciation, and guidance"

– Valeri & Brenda, Sacred Sisterhood Experts
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Our proven 5 step process reconnects you and your spiritual gifts with confidence & guidance!
As a child, you may experience things that you couldn’t explain. Maybe you knew something before it happened and didn’t understand how that was possible so you discarded it.
  • Or you saw things that other people didn’t see or at least didn’t talk about it.
  • Perhaps you heard your inner voice telling you how to help someone or giving you guidance in what directions to go but didn’t fully understand the messages.
  • ​Or you were the child that stayed hidden and kept everything to yourself because you didn’t want people to think you were weird and you were afraid that if you spoke up more and more of things would happen.
NOW is the time to embrace all that you have experienced or want to experience and reconnect with your spiritual gifts. Everyone has spiritual gifts that are unique. Join Us now to LEARN the 5 STEPS on how to understand your gifts and how to trust the guidance to help you live a life guidance and joy. 
See what others are saying...
"It began my full spiritual awakening for me.I have felt more connected to my higher self and found more faith in the universe and in God."
Jenny M.
"I am grateful to Brenda for her knowledge and wisdom which helped rescue me from despair."
Cathy A.
"Her dedication to health and well being of her clients continues to earn her respect for our growing spiritual community"
MAri d.
 BKISS 2020.
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